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  • Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Gold Page 3

Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Gold Read online

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  Greetings and inquiries as to health having been passed, not withoutnumerous blessings on the part of Mr. Damon, the little party gatheredin the library of the home of Tom Swift sat down and looked at oneanother.

  On Professor Bumper's face there was, plainly to be seen, a look ofexpectation, and it seemed to be shared by Mr. Damon, who seemed eagerto burst into enthusiastic talk. On the other hand Tom Swift appeareda bit indifferent.

  Ned himself admitted that he was frankly curious. The story of the bigidol of gold had occupied his thoughts for many hours.

  "Well, I'm glad to see you both," said Tom again. "You got here allright, I see, Professor Bumper. But I didn't expect you to meet andbring Mr. Damon with you."

  "I met him on the train," explained the author of the book on the lostcity of Pelone, as well as books on other antiquities. "I had noexpectation of seeing him, and we were both surprised when we met onthe express."

  "It stopped at Waterfield, Tom," explained Mr. Damon, "which it doesn'tusually do, being an aristocratic sort of train, not given even tohesitating at our humble little town. There were some passengers toget off, which caused the flier to stop, I suppose. And, as I wantedto come over to see you, I got aboard."

  "Glad you did," voiced Tom.

  "Then I happened to see Professor Bumper a few seats ahead of me," wenton Mr. Damon, "and, bless my scarfpin! he was coming to see you also."

  "Well, I'm doubly glad," answered Tom.

  "So here we are," went on Mr. Damon, "and you've simply got to come,Tom Swift. You must go with us!" and Mr. Damon, in his enthusiasm,banged his fist down on the table with such force that he knocked somebooks to the floor.

  Koku, the giant, who was in the hall, opened the door and in hisimperfect English asked:

  "Master Tom knock for him bigs man?"

  "No," answered Tom with a smile, "I didn't knock or call you, Koku.Some books fell, that is all."

  "Massa Tom done called fo' me, dat's what he done!" broke in thepetulant voice of Eradicate.

  "No, Rad, I don't need anything," Tom said. "Though you might make apitcher of lemonade. It's rather warm."

  "Right away, Massa Tom! Right away!" cried the old colored man, eagerto be of service.

  "Me help, too!" rumbled Koku, in his deep voice. "Me punch de lemons!"and away he hurried after Eradicate, fearful lest the old servant doall the honors.

  "Same old Rad and Koku," observed Mr. Damon with a smile. "But now,Tom, while they're making the lemonade, let's get down to business.You're going with us, of course!"

  "Where?" asked Tom, more from habit than because he did not know.

  "Where? Why to Honduras, of course! After the idol of gold! Why, blessmy fountain pen, it's the most wonderful story I ever heard of! You'veread Professor Bumper's article, of course. He told me you had. Iread it on the train coming over. He also told me about it, and----Well, I'm going with him, Tom Swift.

  "And think of all the adventures that may befall us! We'll get lost inburied cities, ride down raging torrents on a raft, fall over a cliffmaybe and be rescued. Why, it makes me feel quite young again!" andMr. Damon arose, to pace excitedly up and down the room.

  Up to this time Professor Bumper had said very little. He had satstill in his chair listening to Mr. Damon. But now that the latter hadceased, at least for a time, Tom and Ned looked toward the scientist.

  "I understand, Tom," he said, "that you read my article in themagazine, about the possibility of locating some of the lost and buriedcities of Honduras?"

  "Yes, Ned and I each read it. It was quite wonderful."

  "And yet there are more wonders to tell," went on the professor. "Idid not give all the details in that article. I will tell you some ofthem. I have brought copies of the documents with me," and he opened asmall valise and took out several bundles tied with pink tape.

  "As Mr. Damon said," he went on while arranging his papers, "he met meon the train, and he was so taken by the story of the idol of gold thathe agreed to accompany me to Central America."

  "On one condition!" put in the eccentric man.

  "What's that? You didn't make any conditions while we were talking,"said the scientist.

  "Yes, I said I'd go if Tom Swift did."

  "Oh, yes. You did say that. But I don't call that a condition, for ofcourse Tom Swift will go. Now let me tell you something more than Icould impart over the telephone.

  "Soon after I called you up, Tom--and it was quite a coincidence thatit should have been at a time when you had just finished my magazinearticle. Soon after that, as I was saying, I arranged to come on toShopton. And now I'm glad we're all here together.

  "But how comes it, Ned Newton, that you are not in the bank?"

  "I've left there," explained Ned.

  "He's now general financial man for the Swift Company," Tom explained."My father and I found that we could not look after the inventing andexperimental end, and money matters, too, and as Ned had hadconsiderable experience this way we made him take over those worries,"and Tom laughed genially.

  "No worries at all, as far as the Swift Company is concerned," returnedNed.

  "Well, I guess you earn your salary," laughed Tom. "But now, ProfessorBumper, let's hear from you. Is there anything more about this idol ofgold that you can tell us?"

  "Plenty, Tom, plenty. I could talk all day, and not get to the end ofthe story. But a lot of it would be scientific detail that might betoo dry for you in spite of this excellent lemonade."

  Between them Koku and Eradicate had managed to make a pitcher of thebeverage, though Mrs. Baggert, the housekeeper, told Tom afterward thatthe two had a quarrel in the kitchen as to who should squeeze thelemons, the giant insisting that he had the better right to "punch"them.

  "So, not to go into too many details," went on the professor, "I'lljust give you a brief outline of this story of the idol of gold.

  "Honduras, as you of course know, is a republic of Central America, andit gets its name from something that happened on the fourth voyage ofColumbus. He and his men had had days of weary sailing and had soughtin vain for shallow water in which they might come to an anchorage.Finally they reached the point now known as Cape Gracias-a-Dios, andwhen they let the anchor go, and found that in a short time it came torest on the floor of the ocean, some one of the sailors--perhapsColumbus himself--is said to have remarked:

  "'Thank the Lord, we have left the deep waters (honduras)' that beingthe Spanish word for unfathomable depths. So Honduras it was called,and has been to this day.

  "It is a queer land with many traces of an ancient civilization, acivilization which I believe dates back farther than some in the farEast. On the sculptured stones in the Copan valley there arecharacters which seem to resemble very ancient writing, but thispictographic writing is largely untranslatable.

  "Honduras, I might add, is about the size of our state of Ohio. It israther an elevated tableland, though there are stretches of tropicalforest, but it is not so tropical a country as many suppose it to be.There is much gold scattered throughout Honduras, though of late it hasnot been found in large quantities.

  "In the old days, however, before the Spaniards came, it was plentiful,so much, so that the natives made idols of it. And it is one of thelargest of these idols--by name Quitzel--that I am going to seek."

  "Do you know where it is?" asked Ned.

  "Well, it isn't locked up in a safe deposit box, of that I'm sure,"laughed the professor. "No, I don't know exactly where it is, exceptthat it is somewhere in an ancient and buried city known as Kurzon. IfI knew exactly where it was there wouldn't be much fun in going afterit. And if it was known to others it would have been taken away longago.

  "No, we've got to hunt for the idol of gold in this land of wonderswhere I hope soon to be. Later on I'll show you the documents that putme on the track of this idol. Enough now to show you an old map Ifound, or, rather, a copy of it,
and some of the papers that tell ofthe idol," and he spread out his packet of papers on the table in frontof him, his eyes shining with excitement and pleasure. Mr. Damon, too,leaned eagerly forward.

  "So, Tom Swift," went on the professor, "I come to you for help in thismatter. I want you to aid me in organizing an expedition to go toHonduras after the idol of gold. Will you?"

  "I'll help you, of course," said Tom. "You may use any of myinventions you choose--my airships, my motor boats and submarines, evenmy giant cannon if you think you can take it with you. And as for themoney part, Ned will arrange that for you. But as for going with youmyself, it is out of the question. I can't. No Honduras for me!"


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