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  • Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Gold Page 9

Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Gold Read online

Page 9



  "Rather tame, isn't it, Tom?"

  "Well, Ned, it isn't exactly like going up in an airship," and TomSwift who was gazing over the rail down into the deep blue water of theCaribbean Sea, over which their vessel was then steaming, looked at hischum beside him.

  "No, and your submarine voyage had it all over this one forexcitement," went on Ned. "When I think of that----"

  "Bless my sea legs!" interrupted Mr. Damon, overhearing theconversation. "Don't speak of THAT trip. My wife never forgave me forgoing on it. But I had a fine time," he added with a twinkle of hiseyes.

  "Yes, that was quite a trip," observed Tom, as his mind went back toit. "But this one isn't over yet remember. And I shouldn't besurprised if we had a little excitement very soon."

  "What do you mean?" asked Ned.

  Up to this time the voyage from New York down into the tropical seashad been anything but exciting. There were not many passengers besidesthemselves, and the weather had been fine.

  At first, used as they were to the actions of unscrupulous rivals intrying to thwart their efforts, Tom and Ned had been on the alert forany signs of hidden enemies on board the steamer. But aside from alittle curiosity when it became known that they were going to explorelittle-known portions of Honduras, the other passengers took hardly anyinterest in our travelers.

  It was thought best to keep secret the fact that they were going tosearch for a wonderful idol of gold. Not even the mule and ox-cartdrivers, whom they would hire to take them into the wilds of theinterior would be told of the real object of the search. It would begiven out that they were looking for interesting ruins of ancientcities, with a view to getting such antiquities as might be there.

  "What do you mean?" asked Ned again, when Tom did not answer himimmediately. "What's the excitement?"

  "I think we're in for a storm," was the reply. "The barometer isfalling and I see the crew going about making everything snug. So wemay have a little trouble toward this end of our trip."

  "Let it come!" exclaimed Mr. Damon. "We're not afraid of trouble, TomSwift, are we?"

  "No, to be sure we're not. And yet it looks as though the storm wouldbe a bad one."

  "Then I am going to see if my books and papers are ready, so I can getthem together in a hurry in case we have to take to the life-boats,"said Professor Bumper, coming on deck at that moment. "It won't do tolose them. If we didn't have the map we might not be able to find----"

  "Ahem!" exclaimed Tom, with unnecessary emphasis it seemed. "I'll helpyou go over your papers, Professor," he added, and with a wink and amotion of his hand, he enjoined silence on his friend. Ned lookedaround for a reason for this, and observed a man, evidently of Spanishextraction, passing them as he paced up and down the deck.

  "What's the matter?" asked the scientist in a whisper, as the man wenton. "Do you know him? Is he a----?"

  "I don't know anything about him," said Tom; "but it is best not tospeak of our trip before strangers."

  "You are right, Tom," said Professor Bumper. "I'll be more careful."

  A storm was brewing, that was certain. A dull, sickly yellow began toobscure the sky, and the water, from a beautiful blue, turned a slatecolor and ran along the sides of the vessel with a hissing sound asthough the sullen waves would ask nothing better than to suck the craftdown into their depths. The wind, which had been freshening, now sangin louder tones as it hummed through the rigging and the funnel staysand bowled over the receiving conductors of the wireless.

  Sharp commands from the ship's officers hastened the work of the crewin making things snug, and life lines were strung along deck for thesafety of such of the passengers as might venture up when the blowbegan.

  The storm was not long in coming. The howling of the wind grew louder,flecks of foam began to separate themselves from the crests of thewaves, and the vessel pitched, rolled and tossed more violently. Atfirst Tom and his friends thought they were in for no more than anordinary blow, but as the storm progressed, and the passengers becameaware of the anxiety on the part of the officers and crew, the alarmspread among them.

  It really was a violent storm, approaching a hurricane in force, and atone time it seemed as though the craft, having been heeled far overunder a staggering wave that swept her decks, would not come back to aneven keel.

  There was a panic among some of the passengers, and a few excited menbehaved in a way that caused prompt action on the part of the firstofficer, who drove them back to the main cabin under threat of arevolver. For the men were determined to get to the lifeboats, and asmall craft would not have had a minute to live in such seas as wererunning.

  But the vessel proved herself sturdier than the timid ones had dared tohope, and she was soon running before the blast, going out of hercourse, it is true, but avoiding the danger among the many cays, orsmall islands, that dot the Caribbean Sea.

  There was nothing to do but to let the storm blow itself out, which itdid in two days. Then came a period of delightful weather. The cargohad shifted somewhat, which gave the steamer a rather undignified list.

  This, as well as the loss of a deckhand overboard, was the effect ofthe hurricane, and though the end of the trip came amid sunshine andsweet-scented tropical breezes, many could not forget the dangersthrough which they had passed.

  In due time Tom and his party found themselves safely housed in thesmall hotel at Puerto Cortes, their belongings stored in a convenientwarehouse and themselves, rather weary by reason of the stress ofweather, ready for the start into the interior wilds of Honduras.

  "How are we going to make the trip?" asked Ned, as they sat at supper,the first night after their arrival, eating of several dishes, thered-pepper condiments of which caused frequent trips to the waterpitcher.

  "We can go in two ways, and perhaps we shall find it to our advantageto use both means," said Professor Bumper. "To get to this city ofKurzon," he proceeded in a low voice, so that none of the others in thedining-room would hear them, "we will have to go either by mule back orboat to a point near Copan. As near as I can tell by the ancient maps,Kurzon is in the Copan valley.

  "Now the Chamelecon river seems to run to within a short distance ofthere, but there is no telling how far up it may be navigable. If wecan go by boat it will be much more comfortable. Travel by mules andox-carts is slow and sure, but the roads are very bad, as I have heardfrom friends who have made explorations in Honduras.

  "And, as I said, we may have to use both land and water travel to getus where we want to go. We can proceed as far as possible up theriver, and then take to the mules."

  "What about arranging for boats and animals?" asked Tom. "I shouldthink----"

  He suddenly ceased talking and reached for the water, taking severallarge swallows.

  "Whew!" he exclaimed, when he could catch his breath. "That was a hotone."

  "What did you do?" asked Ned.

  "Bit into a nest of red pepper. Guess I'll have to tell that cook toscatter his hits. He's bunching 'em too much in my direction," and Tomwiped the tears from his eyes.

  "To answer your question," said Professor Bumper, "I will say that Ihave made partial arrangements for men and animals, and boats if it isfound feasible to use them. I've been in correspondence with one ofthe merchants here, and he promised to make arrangements for us."

  "When do we leave?" asked Mr. Damon.

  "As soon as possible. I am not going to risk anything by delay," andit was evident the professor referred to his young rival whose arrivalmight be expected almost any time.

  As the party was about to leave the table, they were approached by atall, dignified Spaniard who bowed low, rather exaggeratedly low, Nedthought, and addressed them in fairly good English.

  "Your pardons, Senors," he began, "but if it will please you to availyourself of the humble services of myself, I shall have great pleasurein guiding you into the interior. I have at my command both mules andboats."

>   "How do you know we are going into the interior?" asked Tom, a bitsharply, for he did not like the assurance of the man.

  "Pardon, Senor. I saw that you are from the States. And those fromthe States do not come to Honduras except for two reasons. To traveland make explorations or to start trade, and professors do not usuallyengage in trade," and he bowed to Professor Bumper.

  "I saw your name on the register," he proceeded, "and it was notdifficult to guess your mission," and he flashed a smile on the party,his white teeth showing brilliantly beneath his small, black moustache.

  "I make it my business to outfit traveling parties, either forbusiness, pleasure or scientific matters. I am, at your service, ValJacinto," and he introduced himself with another low bow.

  For a moment Tom and his friends hardly knew how to accept this offer.It might be, as the man had said, that he was a professional tourconductor, like those who have charge of Egyptian donkey-boys andguides. Or might he not be a spy?

  This occurred to Tom no less than to Professor Bumper. They looked atone another while Val Jacinto bowed again and murmured:

  "At your service!"

  "Can you provide means for taking us to the Copan valley?" asked theprofessor. "You are right in one respect. I am a scientist and Ipurpose doing some exploring near Copan. Can you get us there?"

  "Most expensively--I mean, most expeditionlessly," said Val Jacintoeagerly. "Pardon my unhappy English. I forget at times. The chargeswill be most moderate. I can send you by boat as far as the rivertravel is good, and then have mules and ox-carts in waiting."

  "How far is it?" asked Tom.

  "A hundred miles as the vulture flies, Senor, but much farther by riverand road. We shall be a week going."

  "A hundred miles in a week!" groaned Ned. "Say, Tom, if you had youraeroplane we'd be there in an hour."

  "Yes, but we haven't it. However, we're in no great rush."

  "But we must not lose time," said Professor Bumper. "I shall consideryour offer," he added to Val Jacinto.

  "Very good, Senor. I am sure you will be pleased with the humbleservice I may offer you, and my charges will be small. Adios," and hebowed himself away.

  "What do you think of him?" asked Ned, as they went up to their roomsin the hotel, or rather one large room, containing several beds.

  "He's a pretty slick article," said Mr. Damon. "Bless my check-book!but he spotted us at once, in spite of our secrecy."

  "I guess these guide purveyors are trained for that sort of thing,"observed the scientist. "I know my friends have often spoken of havinghad the same experience. However, I shall ask my friend, who is inbusiness here, about this Val Jacinto, and if I find him all right wemay engage him."

  Inquiries next morning brought the information, from the head of arubber exporting firm with whom the professor was acquainted, that theSpaniard was regularly engaged in transporting parties into theinterior, and was considered efficient, careful and as honest aspossible, considering the men he engaged as workers.

  "So we have decided to engage you," Professor Bumper informed ValJacinto the afternoon following the meeting.

  "I am more than pleased, Senor. I shall take you into the wilds ofHonduras. At your service!" and he bowed low.

  "Humph! I don't just like the way our friend Val says that," observedTom to Ned a little later. "I'd have been better pleased if he hadsaid he'd guide us into the wilds and out again."

  If Tom could have seen the crafty smile on the face of the Spaniard asthe man left the hotel, the young inventor might have felt even lessconfidence in the guide.


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